CREDITED - ME-410 - Mechanical product design & development

Build a functional prototype and explore design principles of the different mechatronic components and systems

ME-410 - Mechanical... - Project

Study and explore design principles of the different mechatronic components and systems. We will cover in-depth especially on meso-scale actuators, sensors and body construction methods.

Each group will be responsible for producing a product based on the hands-on tutorials that will cover

  1. acutators (Shape memory alloy, penumatic actuators)

  2. structures (origami, cable-pulled underactuated system, 3D printed modular blocks)

  3. model (SMA actuator, silicone based blocks)

each group is evaluated on their prototype and report.

#Robotics #Electronics #Mechanics #3D Printing

Ongoing Credited

Academic Supervisors
