Huge administration panel update!
Administration panel
For Users
For Coaches
For Administrators
For Users
For Administrators
For Developpers
⚠️ Breaking change: equipment can now be associated with only one space in the administration panel. Equipment that was associated with more spaces only remained associated with the first of those.
✅ Updated to Laravel 11.x
⚠️ Every change to the database is now logged. That log is only accessible to full administrators through the administration panel.
✅ Minor fixes to the administration panel
✅ A little empty grey square used to appear in the main search results when an equipment had no associated space or room.
✅ Added the possibility to show the industrial partners and EPFL partners for projects
✅ Projects can now add sub-projects. That way students have a better idea of what to expect, and projects have an easier time finding students for those sub-projects.
✅ For a faster experience, youtube-lite is now used for displaying youtube videos
✅ Recaptcha protection was removed from pages where it was not necessary
✅ Minor changes to wording on the project pages
✅ Minor changes to the ui on the whole site
✅ Missing shortcut to coaches index was added to the administration panel
✅ Administrators have an easier time managing project videos with automatic embed link generation
✅ Soft-delete functionality: administrators cannot delete records permanently anymore. They can only archive them
✅ Project managers can now add sections in which the project is recruiting. That information does not appear on the user frontend yet
✅ The administration panel for projects has been refactor and is now easier to navigate
The tag bar could not be expanded on the coaches directory page. All tags are now selectable.
Past and cancelled training slots are now hidden by default on Nova.
You can still see them by clicking the little funnel icon on the top right of the list.
The platform went public !
This month featured featured some improvements to the public UI:
Some technical improvements were made:
There were also a few changes for administrators:
Some technical improv changes were also made to our system:
The website also needed some attention for the following issues: