Coach directory


Contact these coaches as soon as you have an idea for a project requiring expertise in a specific field. They can help you at the design stage of your project.


These are the coaches that can help you conceptualize your idea. Nowadays it is likely you will use CAD (Computer Aided Design) softwares to help you in this task and our coaches are here to help you master these softwares.


These coaches have expertise in prototyping. When in comes to transforming your idea into something real, don't be a hero and trust your coaches, they have huge expertise understanding what's possible and what is unrealistic.


Testing is very specific to every prototype and project. However, some infrastructure and coaches might be helpful to help you in this phase.

Concept Ideation Electronics Mechanics 3D Printing Rapid Prototyping
Textile Materials Welding Optics Testing Augmented Reality Movement Capture/Analysis IT resources Team management Agronomy Safety Outstanding Neuro-Prosthetics Transversal Skills Pedagogical Scenario Entrepreneurship Battery Composites Space Exploration Artificial Intelligence Mobility Robotics Wood Working Health Basic Sciences Virtual Reality Sustainability Bioengineering Construction Low Tech Laser Cutting Human Centered Design Computer Vision Aeroponics