MAKE - EPFL Xplore

EPFL Xplore

Build a space exploration rover from scratch

Ongoing Interdisciplinary
#Electronics #Mechanics #3D Printing #Space Exploration #Artificial Intelligence #Mobility #Robotics

EPFL Xplore is a new interdisciplinary project whose aim is to build a Rover in order to participate in two international competitions: University Rover Challenge in the US and European Rover Challenge in Poland. The Rover has four main tasks to achieve:

  1. Science Task whose goal is to collect soil samples and analyze them on-board in the scope of a biological/geological plan formerly defined by students.
  2. Equipment Servicing Task which consists in handling different objects and a control panel composed of switches, keyboards, USB stick, … with a robotic arm.
  3. Traverse Task which qualifies the ability of the Rover to drive autonomously from one location to another and overcome the complexity of a rugged desertic terrain.
  4. Retrieval and Delivery Task whose goal is to collect a cache and deliver it to a given location.

The Rover is fully designed by Bachelor and Master students from EPFL, divided in different poles. The Technics pole, containing six sub-systems, designs and builds the Rover, the Communication pole handles the social networks and the external connections and finally the Sponsoring one, which manages the partnerships with the companies and organizations supporting us.
For further details, please visit our site web and contact us!


