3D printing

Sebastien Martinerie

project's main image

As a mechanical engineer, I've always had a passion for 3D design and additive manufacturing technologies. I've worked in R&D (developing a process for metal powders 3D printing) and in the medical field for over 20 years. At the same time, I run my own design and 3D printing business, which provides services for many advanced applications.

As your 3D printing coach at SPOT, I am dedicated to helping students succeed with their prototyping projects. This activity includes:

  • Training students, from design to production, while respecting the best practices and rules of the space.
  • Giving advices and support on a daily basis.
  • Managing the SPOT's 3D printing space,
  • Developing the workshop by anticipating growth in demand, new needs and technological developments.

If you're interested to know more, see My portrait on EPFL website ;-)

When should you contact me?

Have a first contact as soon as you know you will have 3D printed parts in your project. I'll be glad to give you some peronnalised tips for your own needs.

  • 3D Printing: Come for any advice on how to prepare your printjob and before running your first print.

  • Under supervision 3D printing: Contact me if you're planning to use more advanced printers and materials.

Schedule: Monday: 09:30-17:30
Tuesday: not available
Wednesday: 09:30-18:00
Thursday: 13:30-18:00
Friday: 09:30-18:00

How can you contact me?

Send me an E-mail or come at SPOT in the 3D printing workshop (DLLEL -1 20)