
CAMIPRO - access to EPFL makerspaces

Only bachelor and master students can access the prototyping network and the EPFL makerspaces.

You have to successfully pass this online training - ( After this training you will be registered in a project and will be able to start prototyping.

After the online training ( is successfully validated by a student, she/he will receive different camipro access for the full academic year. The access will be valid until a fixed date set at the 30th of September of the next academic year.

For example if you do the training at the begining of the academic year 2024-2025 on the 2nd of October 2024 (to pick a random date), you will receive access until September 30 2025 (duration of around 12 months).

There is a transition period to take into account however. This period is set between the first day of the academic year, usually around the 10th of September until the 30th of September. If you do the training during this period, for exemple the 15th of September 2024, you will not receive access until September 30 2024 (duration of 15 days), but September 30 2025 (more than 12 months). If you do the training before the beginning of the year, for example the 30th of August, you'll receive only access for one month.

After the online training ( is successfully validated by a student, she/he will be granted different camipro access depending the project she/he is involved into. More information about the different types of spaces available to students realizing projects is available on this link

In particular, after the online training, only "free access" types of spaces will be accessible, for more advanced "under supervision" workshops, a specific training with the coach will be required to use more advanced equipment.

This video is showing you the basic access every student receives after the online training (depending on the projet, there might be small differences see here under for the details)

  1. Online training mandatory to every student requesting access to EPFL makerspaces.
  2. Discover the different spaces of the prototyping network, and their conditions of access.
  3. Discover all the trainings to access more advanced resources.

Here are the different categories of projects and their respected granted accesses after the online training is successfully validated:

    1. The envelop of the SPOT makerspace (DLLEL building) 7/7 between 7h00 to 23h30
    2. Meeting room and conference room and the right to book these rooms 24/7
      1. DLLEL 1 10 (10 people)
      2. DLLEL 1 12 (10 people)
      3. DLLEL 1 14 (15 to 20 people, equiped with camera and microphones for immersive zoom meetings)
      4. DLLEL 1 50 conference room (50 people, equiped with camera and microphones for immersive zoom meetings)
    3. Electronic key manager to access basic tools in the atrium of the SPOT 24/7
    4. Shared storage area (DLLEL -1 54) 24/7
    5. Computer room (ELH 112) to access specific softwares 24/7
    6. Remote computers (more info here) to access specific softwares remotely
  1. EPFL courses with prototyping activities are granted:
    1. The envelop of the SPOT makerspace only during the week days (weekends are restricted to interdisciplinary projects only) between 7h00 to 23h30
    2. Electronic key manager to access basic tools in the atrium of the SPOT 24/7
    3. Shared storage area (DLLEL -1 54) 24/7
  2. EPFL recognized associations realizing validated practical projects are granted the same accesses as the EPFL courses.
  3. EPFL recognized start-ups and other entrepreneurial recognized projects where students validate their ideas with a first prototype, are granted the same accesses as the EPFL courses.
  4. Semester or master projects (in a lab and not in the industry), where students perform rapid prototyping to validate concepts, are granted the same accesses as the EPFL courses.
  1. I did the online training but still don't have the access? –> The problem is probably that your supervisor did not validated (he/she has received an email to validate you). To find your supervisors go to –> find your project –> look at the name of the “leader”.
  2. I don't have access to the SKIL or the storage number 3 in the SPOT even though I validated everything, is it normal? –> you can check on this website if you have received the access correctly. If you have the access but cannot open these doors still, you need to update your camipro on a hotspot (SKIL and storage 3 are offline readers)
  • public/admin/camipro_access_to_epfl_makerspaces.txt
  • Last modified: 2024-09-26 07:50
  • by Julien Delisle