How to unlock an open-access 3D printer?
Congratulations, you've completed all the necessary trainings and are now ready to 3D print.
- Go to, then “3D Printers overview”.
- After logging in, you can select your favorite printer (or just the one available)
- Indicate for which project you'd like to use this marvel*.
- Click on print!
- The printer is now unlocked. You have 10 minutes to get to the SPOT and start printing! Go for it!
Don't forget to check that the printer has enough filament and that the nozzle is clean. Insert your SD card or USB key. Select your file and off you go!
*If your project or course does not appear on the list, please update your projects at
In the meantime, you can still print by selecting “Use personal budget” and using the option of your choice:
- Personal project (don't forget that personal projects have to be validated by the coach)
- EPFL class: use this tool to search for the official EPFL course name
- Other: enter your project's details