
Conditions for using 3D printers for personal projects

The SPOT 3D printing room and its coach are here for accredited educational projects only. It is however possible to use the space for personal projects, only if the coach gives you permission.

To use this space for a personal project, you must:

  1. Ask the coach's permission beforehand (and show him the print files)
  2. Have already taken the training courses
  3. Have already printed here for a credited project
  4. Pay for your prints

Other conditions:

  1. Only open-access Prusa machines. No under-supervision printers
  2. Printers must remain available for educational purposes (so print outside of the semester)
  3. Demand must be reasonable in terms of volume (filament and machine time)
  4. The project must be of educational interest
  • public/spot_-_3d_printing/conditions_for_personal_projects.txt
  • Last modified: 2024-09-09 12:39
  • by Sebastien Martinerie