
How to create your first wood piece using a CNC machine?

The SKIL coaches provide you with two tutorial videos to guide you step by step in creating your first CNC-machined piece.

  • The first video will show you how to design your part and set up your machining on the computer. An essential part of CNC machining (there’s a hint in the name: Computer Numerical Control): CNC - préparer un usinage
  • The second part takes place on the machine. It involves physically preparing the machine for precise and safe machining: CNC - usiner une pièce

Don't forget that there is a big difference between theory and practice, so once you’ve carefully watched these tutorials, go and speak with the SKIL coaches as soon as possible to complete your machining. It’s not a process that can be done in 10 minutes, so make the most of your opportunity and benefit from your coaches' many years of experience to support you in this adventure.

  • public/skil_-_admin/cnc_machine_tutorial.txt
  • Last modified: 2024-09-07 12:09
  • by Simon Dorthe